
Friday Aug 13, 2021
Connect the Dots … Then Make It Happen
Friday Aug 13, 2021
Friday Aug 13, 2021

Sunday Jul 18, 2021
When You Take Quitting Off the Table, Success Is Inevitable
Sunday Jul 18, 2021
Sunday Jul 18, 2021

Sunday Apr 25, 2021
Pioneers of the European Market
Sunday Apr 25, 2021
Sunday Apr 25, 2021

Friday Mar 12, 2021
Founder of Fun Lovin’ Wellness Creates Community Through Love & Education
Friday Mar 12, 2021
Friday Mar 12, 2021

Sunday Feb 21, 2021
Coach to Mompreneurs
Sunday Feb 21, 2021
Sunday Feb 21, 2021

Friday Jan 29, 2021
Former Marine Biologist Makes a Splash In the Oil World
Friday Jan 29, 2021
Friday Jan 29, 2021

Friday Jan 08, 2021
Homeschooling Mom of 7 Fills the Change Jar … And Then Some!
Friday Jan 08, 2021
Friday Jan 08, 2021

Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Renaissance Mama Leading with Love & Faith
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Sarah Falk hails from Texas and fits many of the stereotypes. She loves to ride horses and she drives a pickup truck! In 2013, she decided to grow her Young Living biz for two simple reasons: she loved the oils … and she needed groceries! After she read Richard Brooke’s “The Four Year Career®,” her skepticism about the profession evaporated and she started growing with intention. Today this Diamond, natural health practitioner and aromatherapist continues to lead and inspire her team of 14,000+ while homeschooling her children and serving in healing/counseling ministry alongside her husband. Sarah’s story shows that if you have a compelling WHY, and you have the BELIEF, you could do this too!

Friday Nov 20, 2020
Changing The World One Drop At A Time
Friday Nov 20, 2020
Friday Nov 20, 2020
Growing up in Richmond, VA, Frances Fuller was a mathematics and physics major. She never planned to have a Young Living business but, was searching for something to improve her own level of wellness. First, she shared “by accident” then realized that she had information that could benefit others. While living in Florida, she began studying and teaching a number of energy modalities developing the Rainbow Healing System. There, she taught it primarily as a hands-on healing modality for energy healers and for massage therapists to use in conjunction with massage treatments. She was also introduced to the world of therapeutic-grade essential oils. In 2003 she moved to Singapore becoming a Royal Crown Diamond of Young Living.

Friday Oct 30, 2020
Hong Kong Aromatherapist Jumps All In
Friday Oct 30, 2020
Friday Oct 30, 2020
Fiona Lui is a full-time mom with 2 kids, 2 dogs, 2 rabbits, and one husband. She was always looking for healthy options for her family and her daughters. When she got introduced to Young Living, she purchased her first Premium Starter Kit with no hesitation because she agreed with Young Living’s belief. Within 3.5 years, Fiona went from “doesn't hurt to give it a try” to having a growing team as now a Royal Crown Diamond as well as obtained a number of professional qualifications in aromatherapy. She's a living example of as long as you have the passion and love of what you do, Young Living is a stage where for you can shine and help others to shine. Her key to success is building trust with teammates and being open to sharing knowledge with others.

Friday Oct 23, 2020
Mexico Native Partnered with Husband Soaring to Success
Friday Oct 23, 2020
Friday Oct 23, 2020
Lula Schiller made the bittersweet decision to move to the United States from her hometown of Navojoa, Sonora, Mexico after she got married. Leaving her family, friends, job, and country behind. Lula struggled to feel included in her new world. It wasn’t until she became pregnant with her son, that Ishedecided to turn my life around and focus on the positive. After her son was got a bump on his forehead she started searching for an ointment to put on it. She and her husband were given a starter kit months before. Lula started this journey because she loved the products and helping people. She didn’t have experience in Network Marketing and was afraid of the business part. Lula focused on product education until she shifted and found a balance between the product benefits and the business side. She began going down to Mexico to share the beauty of Young Living. Lula has grown the presence in Mexico from 2,000 Young Living members to 15,000 and she now has members across 20 different countries.

Friday Oct 16, 2020
From Social Worker to Good Girl Gone Green
Friday Oct 16, 2020
Friday Oct 16, 2020
Stephanie Moram was going through the motions of everyday life. One day, her husband was given an opportunity and she took a sabbatical from work. When Stephanie had her first child, she started a green living blog and completely changed how her family lived their lives. Stephanie's friend introduced her to the products and she was really just looking to make a little side cash to pay for her products. Not long after her friend approached her with the vision of the business, Stephanie jumped in with both feet and have never looked back. "Dream big—bigger than you ever thought possible. Change the story you keep telling yourself every day."

Friday Oct 09, 2020
Former Financial Planner Taking Life Steps to Pursue Her Dreams
Friday Oct 09, 2020
Friday Oct 09, 2020
Jessica Petty began her Young Living career in October 2013, she was like many who were searching for answers. Jessica knew there had to be options for our health that were effective, safe, simple, and easy to share with my friends who were also searching. What she found in Young Living was so much more than she ever bargained for. She saw the potential of the business and left behind a 14-year career in financial planning. She loves working with women and helping them to achieve wellness, purpose, and abundance. Jessica is always ready to hold hands with new members as they pursue physical, emotional, spiritual, and financial freedom.

Friday Oct 02, 2020
Stay-At-Home Mom of 15 Kids Skyrockets to the Top of the Ranks
Friday Oct 02, 2020
Friday Oct 02, 2020
Christa Smith, a stay-at-home mom of now 15 children, and her husband were had hit hard times. Dumpster diving at times looking for expired thrown away items and using old t-shirts for toilet paper, when she was dragged to a Young Living meeting and reluctantly got started using the oils. For two years after enrolling Christa would only share essential oils periodically. However, one Silver Retreat she attended represented a turning point. Blown away by the quality of leadership within Young Living, the beautiful farms, and the passionate members she began to build a real business. Within two years she had risen to the top of the ranks. Christa's #1 business strategy: finding one motivated leader to invest in and teaching them about the business and products.

Friday Sep 18, 2020
Oily Prodigy Becomes the Youngest Member to Achieve Highest Rank
Friday Sep 18, 2020
Friday Sep 18, 2020
At age 11, Adam’s mom introduced him to Young Living products, but he didn’t understand there was a business plan attached. In their family, natural products, such as essential oils, were familiar. It’s simply what they used! During college, Adam hit the low point of his life and discovered the power of the Network Marketing business model when his friend invited him to an opportunity meeting. At first, Adam was building his Young Living business part-time, as he worked as a full-time personal trainer. At 22 years old, Adam resigned from his job and committed full time to his business. After just 3 years, he became the youngest member in Young Living's history to achieve the highest rank in the company.

Thursday Sep 10, 2020
Former Teacher With Entrepreneurial Roots
Thursday Sep 10, 2020
Thursday Sep 10, 2020
In the early 2000s, Connie McDanel was a new teacher to the school district so she would be "let go" every summer and re-hired in the fall. After working late one night, she realized no matter how many extra hours she worked her security wouldn’t change nor would her income. So she started working part-time on her healing home passion with Young Living, but build it like a real business. Connie's drive was for creating awareness about how to create a toxin-free healing home. Now a Royal Crown Diamond, Connie's team has members in over 20 countries and welcomes 4,000+ new team members each month. Her motto, "We only have one life to live. I’m determined to make it count."

Thursday Aug 06, 2020
From Struggling In Debt To Thriving Motivation Tribe
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
In 2014, Echo Summer Hill and her husband were struggling and in debt. A friend suggested she try Young Living to help elevate her mood, as a new mom she was willing to try anything. Echo fell in love and quickly started sharing with her social media audience. After skyrocketing to the top, Echo learned that personal development was just as important as working hard. Now, she leads her team with love and intentionality, and thrives on watching the countless lives being changed with the opportunity of wellness, purpose, and abundance that Young Living can provide. Echo is a spiritual guided entrepreneur with a passion for helping women discover their full potential in life and business.

Friday Jul 17, 2020
Modern Mom of 3 Finds Drops of Light
Friday Jul 17, 2020
Friday Jul 17, 2020
Ana Cardenas was introduced to Young Living essential oils after her first child was born. She immediately started seeing results and feeling empowered started sharing the products with others. Ana joined the business side, thinking it would be a little extra income. However, when sh saw the income potential and how real relatable people were making it BIG TIME she decided to jump in with two feet. Ana ran all the way to the top rank of the company and now empowers other moms to do the same.

Monday Jul 06, 2020
Indonesian Textile Executive Builds Oil Empire
Monday Jul 06, 2020
Monday Jul 06, 2020
Marinee Yuprapan, a wife and mother of two boys, has been running a family-based global business in the Textile Garment Export Industry for the past 20 years. She discovered Young Living in 2013 and once Marinee started using the oils, she fell in love and began sharing them as part of her “hobby.” In 2014, she attended her first International Grand Convention and for the first time heard Gary Young speak on stage. That's when Marinee intentionally began building her business as a vehicle to develop and empower women. "There's no greater power and support you can give someone than to say, 'I believe in you.'" With a background as a financial analyst, she guides others to reach their highest potentials by providing business tools, strategies, and inspiration for them to build confidence in themselves.

Thursday May 28, 2020
Helping Others Conquer Toxic Emotions with Essential Oils
Thursday May 28, 2020
Thursday May 28, 2020
Rhonda Favano is a wife and former homeschool mom. She started sharing, because of the profound effect Young Living products had on her health. She experienced the healing power of naturopathy when faced with a devastating illness and was later called to teach people to be healthy. The more people she helped, the bigger her team and check grew. The momentum continued to accelerate as others jumped in crushing both their health and financial goals. Rhonda's committed to assisting others in regaining control of their family’s health and well-being naturally. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting, is a Doctor of Naturopathy, Certified Raindrop Technique Specialist, as well as a Certified Natural Health Practitioner.

Friday May 01, 2020
Mother of 3 Empowering Women To Thrive Not Just Survive
Friday May 01, 2020
Friday May 01, 2020
Wynne Elder has always been a multi-passionate entrepreneur. She started and ran multiple “side gigs” from photography, infertility retreat ministry, local event space, fair trade jewelry sales, and blogging. One day, it just became all too much and Wynne knew she needed to really focus on ONE thing. That one thing ended up (to her surprise) being Young Living Essential Oils. Young Living took the skills she used in all the other areas and became a rewarding career she could do while staying home with her 3 small kids. Wynne's passion now is encouraging women to not just survive but to thrive by sharing practical ways to live whole and free.

Friday Apr 24, 2020
Psychic Detective Finds Holistic Bliss
Friday Apr 24, 2020
Friday Apr 24, 2020
Nancy Weber has been a nurse (for a very long time), medical intuitive, animal communicator, psychic, medium, and more. Although she has been featured on nearly two dozen documentaries about being a psychic detective, Nancy's primary work and devotion has always been focused on healing. Along the way, she studied homeopathy, herbalism, tinctures, and Applied Kinesiology. It took Nancy a while to see Young Living as a complete and total lifestyle. Now she just loves helping folks find their own power and believe in their abilities to follow your bliss.

Sunday Apr 12, 2020
The Oilman Naturally Flowing With Abundance
Sunday Apr 12, 2020
Sunday Apr 12, 2020
For James Niederland, it all started when he was introduced to life-changing products—therapeutic grade essential oils. After multiple careers and degrees, everything changed when he was introduced to RC oil. Once he understood the power of these products, James realized it was his duty to share them with as many people as possible. He gave notice at his full-time job and began to share Young Living Essential Oil products, including oil-infused nutritional supplements, personal care items, and the income opportunity. Today, James flows in complete and total abundance—physical, emotional, spiritual ... as well as financial.

Thursday Feb 27, 2020
Live Fierce With This TriHarmony Oiler
Thursday Feb 27, 2020
Thursday Feb 27, 2020
Jihan Thomas has always been the sole breadwinner of her family of 5. After a terrible illness in college, she started her journey into holistic, positive living incorporating both ancient and modern techniques in nutrition, exercise, mindset, essential oils, and dedicated spiritual practice. Jihan used her skills of efficiency, routine, and systems to built her Young Living business on a part-time basis. Using her business savvy, Jihan created TriHarmony Success Training System - the first business training system in Young Living Essential Oils. Jihan is passionate about helping people reach new levels in all aspects of their overall wellness. She is the founder of the TriHarmony Oilers - a worldwide Crown Diamond network of over 15,000 active essential oil and natural product enthusiasts, and Living Fierce Club - an online holistic lifestyle training platform for wellness with an emphasis on how mindset plays a role in success for all areas of life.

Thursday Feb 20, 2020
Military Wife Seeking Freedom Found a Brave New Life
Thursday Feb 20, 2020
Thursday Feb 20, 2020
Ashley Diette was a successful financial manager turned teacher, but with a husband overseas and 3 kids time was in short supply. Looking for the best non-toxic products to use on her family, Ashley discovered Young Living Essential Oils. She met her upline through Google searching for someone who sold Young Living. Although she wasn't looking to build a business, it came easily to her and she dove in without a second thought. Now, with an abundant team, Ashley's dream is to help others achieve the same.

Thursday Feb 13, 2020
Life-Long Equestrian Shaping Natural Alternative Therapies
Thursday Feb 13, 2020
Thursday Feb 13, 2020

Friday Jan 31, 2020
How $160 Changed This Mompreneur's Life
Friday Jan 31, 2020
Friday Jan 31, 2020
Callie Shepperd was 8 months pregnant with her 3rd child when she walked into her small-town Chamber of Commerce. Being a health-conscious mom, she went to listen to a presentation on natural family wellness. Soon after providing Young Living Essential Oils to her own family, she felt compelled to share her story with other parents. As Callie started to see her team expanding, she started focusing on the business side, and quit her photography and graphic design job. Fast-forward 8 years, she now has a thriving organization of over 100,000 families.

Thursday Jan 23, 2020
Reach Your Highest Potential Following This Founding Member
Thursday Jan 23, 2020
Thursday Jan 23, 2020
Marcella is an internationally recognized author, speaker, facilitator, and educator. Known for her passion and enthusiasm, she is an inspirational mentor in manifesting and teaching how to achieve our divine purpose with grace, ease, and fun. This iconic woman combines nutrition, conscious communications, and body language into her dynamic presentations which have positively impacted past, present, and future generations of entrepreneurs.
Marcella Vonn Harting, a driven discoverer, has an astonishing amount of accomplishments. She holds a Ph.D. in Psychoneurology & Integrated Medicine, her certifications include Nutrition, Iridology, Reiki, International Aromatherapy through PIA. Marcella is also a Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Hypnotherapy, Tony Robbins Digital Delivery Event Leader, and Personal Trainer. Simply said – this woman is the REAL DEAL.

Friday Jan 17, 2020
Get a Clean Green Start with This Mother of Six
Friday Jan 17, 2020
Friday Jan 17, 2020
Bronwyn Deiter was a “never an MLMer” right up until the time she began to tell her friends about the amazing YL products. While expecting her sixth child, Bronwyn experienced the oils working during a health crisis and became passionate about telling others. She hustled from Distributor to Executive in two months right before her baby was born. After she and her husband, Heiko, read The Four Year Career® and other books they changed their minds about building a business. With baby in tow, they grew to Gold in the first year. Watch Bronwyn Deiter's interview and learn to cast a vision for your team.

Friday Jan 10, 2020
Former School Teacher Builds Through Kind Leadership
Friday Jan 10, 2020
Friday Jan 10, 2020
Skyla Mann was a school teacher who always possessed an entrepreneurial spirit. When her neighbor approached her about Young Living Essential Oils, she became a Customer and enjoyed the product benefits for 5 years. Once she made a decision to consistently share and focus on building an organization, Skyla achieved Diamond in 3 years. Listen and learn how her team’s mantra of duplicating “en masse” has led to their success – everyone contributing a little bit …